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Feeding your horse that is coming back into work
A lot of people ask me how their feeding should change when they’re bringing their horse back into light work. This really depends a lot...
Could pelleted feed be making your horse sick?
All horse owners know that pelleted feed can be a quick and convenient way to feed a horse, but could pelleted feed actually be harming...
Horses and cooler weather…
Given it’s getting cooler and winter is approaching, I’m going to write a mini-article each day this week about feeding and rugging your...
Should I be worried that my horse is overweight?
Should I be worried that my horse is overweight? Equine obesity is not something that can be taken lightly. Excess body fat has the...
Five steps to good equine nutrition
As an equine nutritionist, I am often called when the you-know-what has already well and truly hit the fan. Whether it be anxiety,...
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